Wednesday, October 27, 2021



27/10/2021      CLASS- 9     SESSION 2021-22


कैदी और कोकिला


पाठ्यपुस्तक के प्रश्न-अभ्यास

प्रश्न 1.कोयल की कूक सुनकर कवि की क्या प्रतिक्रिया थी?

कोयल की कूक सुनकर कवि को लगा कि वह मानो उसे कुछ कहना चाहती है। या तो वह उसे निरंतर लड़ते रहने की प्रेरणा देना चाहती है या उसकी यातनाओं के दर्द को बाँटना चाहती है। उसे लगता है कि कोकिल कवि के कष्टों को देखकर आँसू बहा रही है और चुपचाप अँधेरे को बेधकर विद्रोह की चेतना जगा रही है। इसलिए अंत में कवि उसके इशारों पर आत्म-बलिदान करने को तैयार हो जाता है।

प्रश्न 2.कवि ने कोकिल के बोलने के किन कारणों की संभावना बताई?

कवि ने कोकिल के बोलने पर निम्नलिखित कारणों की संभावना जताई है-

  • कोयल जेल में बंद क्रांतिकारियों को देशवासियों की दुर्दशा के बारे में बताने आयी है।
  • कोयल कैदी क्रांतिकारियों को धैर्य बँधाने एवं दिलासा देने आई है।
  • कोयल कैदी क्रांतिकारियों के दुखों पर मरहम लगाने आई है।
  • कोयल पागल हो गई है जो आधी रात में चीख रही है।

प्रश्न 3.किस शासन की तुलना तम के प्रभाव से की गई है और क्यों?

ब्रिटिश शासन की तुलना तम के प्रभाव से की गई है।
क्यों ब्रिटिश शासकों ने बेकसूर भारतीयों पर घोर अत्याचार किए। उन्होंने स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों को कारागृह में तरह-तरह की यातनाएँ दीं। उन्हें कोल्हू के बैल की तरह जोता गया।

प्रश्न 4.कविता के आधार पर पराधीन भारत की जेलों में दी जाने वाली यंत्रणाओं का वर्णन कीजिए।

पराधीन भारत की जेलों में भारतीयों को पशुओं की भाँति-रखा जाता था। उन्हें ऐसी यातनाएँ दी जाती थीं कि सुनकर ही रोंगटे खड़े हो जाते हैं। इनमें से कुछ निम्नलिखित हैं-

  • उन्हें ऊँची-ऊँची दीवार वाली जेलों में रखा जाता था।
  • उन्हें दस फुट की छोटी-छोटी कोठरियों में रखा जाता था।
  • उन्हें भरपेट खाना नहीं दिया जाता था।
  • उनके साथ पशुओं-सा व्यवहार किया जाता था।
  • उन्हें बात-बात पर गालियाँ दी जाती थीं।
  • उन्हें तड़प-तड़पकर मरने के लिए छोड़ दिया जाता था।

प्रश्न 5.भाव स्पष्ट कीजिए
(क) मृदुल वैभव की रखवाली-सी, कोकिल बोलो तो!
(ख) हूँ मोट खींचता लगा पेट पर जूआ, खाली करता हूँ ब्रिटिश अकड़ का कुँआ।

(क) कवि के अनुसार, वैसे तो संसार में कष्ट-ही-कष्ट हैं। यदि कहीं कुछ मृदुलता और सरसता बची है तो वह कोयल के मधुर स्वर में बची है। अतः कोयल मृदुलता की रखवाली करने वाली है। वह उससे पूछता है कि आखिर वह जेल में अपना मधुर स्वर गुँजाकर उसे क्या कहना चाहती है!

(ख) इसमें जेल की असहनीय यातनाएँ झेलता हुआ कवि स्वाभिमानपूर्वक कहता है कि वह अपने पेट पर कोल्हू का जूआ बाँधकर चरसा चला रहा है। आशय यह है कि उससे पशुओं जैसा सख्त काम लिया जा रहा है। फिर भी वह हार नहीं मान रहा। इससे ब्रिटिश सरकार की अकड़ ढीली पड़ रही है। अंग्रेज़ों को बोध हो गया है कि अब अत्याचार करने से भी वे सफल नहीं हो सकते।

प्रश्न 6.अर्धरात्रि में कोयल की चीख से कवि को क्या अंदेशा है?

आधी रात में कोयल की चीख सुनकर कवि को यह अंदेशा होता है कि उसने भारतीयों के आक्रोश एवं असंतोष की ज्वाला देख ली होगी। यह ज्वाला जंगल में लगने वाली आग के समान भयंकर रही होगी। कोयल उसी ज्वाला (क्रांति) की सूचना देने जेल परिसर के पास आई है।

प्रश्न 7.कवि को कोयल से ईष्र्या क्यों हो रही है?

कवि को कोयल से इसलिए ईर्ष्या हो रही है क्योंकि कोयल स्वतंत्र है, जबकि कवि बंदी है। कोयल हरियाली का आनंद ले रही है, जबकि कवि दस फुट की अँधेरी कोठरी में जीने के लिए विवश है। कोयल के गान की सभी सराहना करते हैं, जबकि कवि के लिए रोना भी गुनाह हो गया है।

प्रश्न 8.कवि के स्मृति-पटल पर कोयल के गीतों की कौन सी मधुर स्मृतियाँ अंकित हैं, जिन्हें वह अब नष्ट करने पर तुली है?

कवि के स्मृति पटल पर कोयल की कर्णप्रिय अत्यंत मधुर स्वर की स्मृतियाँ अंकित हैं, जिन्हें अब वह नष्ट करने पर तुली है।

प्रश्न 9.हथकड़ियों को गहना क्यों कहा गया है?

गहना उस आभूषण को कहते हैं, जो धारणकर्ता का गौरव और सौंदर्य बढ़ाए। पं. माखनलाल चतुर्वेदी जैसे क्रांतिकारी, जिन्होंने स्वतंत्रता प्राप्ति के लिए स्वयं प्रेरणा से संघर्ष का मार्ग अपनाया था, जेल को अपना प्रिय आवास तथा हथकड़ियों को गहना समझते थे। उन्हें किसी गलत कार्य के लिए हथकड़ी नहीं पहननी पड़ी। उन्होंने स्वतंत्रता प्राप्ति के महान उद्देश्य के लिए हथकड़ियाँ स्वीकार कीं, अतः उनसे उनका गौरव बढ़ा। समाज ने उन्हें उन हथकड़ियों के लिए प्रतिष्ठा दी। इसलिए उन्होंने हथकड़ियों को गहना कहा।

प्रश्न 10.‘काली तू …. ऐ आली!’-इन पंक्तियों में ‘काली’ शब्द की आवृत्ति से उत्पन्न चमत्कार का विवेचन कीजिए।

‘काली तू … ऐ आली!’ इन पंक्तियों में काली शब्द की आवृत्ति हुई है। इस शब्द का अर्थ भी उसके संदर्भानुसार है। संदर्भ के अनुसार काली शब्द के निम्नलिखित अनेक अर्थ हैं-

  • हथकड़ियाँ रात, कोयल आदि का रंग काला बताने के लिए।
  • अंग्रेजों के अन्यायपूर्ण कारनामें बताने के लिए।
  • पराधीन भारतीयों का भविष्य अंधकारमय बताने के लिए।
  • अंग्रेज़ों के प्रति भारतीयों के मन में उठने वाले आक्रोश के संबंध में।



27/10/2021      CLASS- 6     SESSION 2021-22




(i) Puhar was an important port on the

(a) West coast
(b) East coast
(c) Malabar coast
(d) None of the above.

(ii) The most fertile river valley was
(a) Kaveri
(b) the Yamuna
(c) Ganga
(d) None of the above.

(iii) The capital of the Pandyas was
(a) Madurai
(b) Mudumalai
(c) Patliputra
(d) Ujjain.

(iv) The Satavahanas became an Important dynasty In
(a) Northern India
(b) Eastern India
(c) Southern India
(d) Western India

(v) The rulers who ruled over central Asia and north-west India around 2000 years ago were
(a) Pandyas
(b) Cholas
(c) Kushanas
(d) Cheras.

(a) – (b), (iii) – (a), (iii) – (a), (iv) – (d), (v) – (c).


Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to complete each sentence.

  1. Gold, ………  and ……….. were in abundance in South India.
  2. Gautamiputra Shri Satakami and other Satavahana rulers were known as lords of the …………
  3. The famous Kushana ruler ………….. organized a Buddhist council.
  4. The older form of Buddhism was known as ……………..
  5. Buddha’s attainment of enlightenment was shown by sculptures of the ………………………tree.
  6. Anyone could follow the path of………………
  7. Xuan Zang, a Chinese Buddhist pilgrim took the………………… route to return to China.
  8. …….. was the most famous Buddhist monastery.
  9. The two major centres of power of the Kushanas were ………………..  and ………….
  10. The images of deities were placed within special homes or places known as


  1. spices, precious stones
  2. dakshinapatha
  3. Kanishka
  4. Kanishka
  5. peepal
  6. Bhakti
  7. land
  8. Nalanda
  9. Peshawar, Mathura
  10. temples.


State whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F).

  1. FaXran started his journey back home from Nalanda.
  2. Pepper, a very important spice grown in South India was known as black gold in the Roman Empire.
  3. Muvendar is a Bengali word meaning three chiefs.
  4. Puhar or Kaveripaltinam was the port of the Pandyas.
  5. The statues of Buddha were made in Mathura and Taxila.
  6. Bodhisattvas were persons who had attained enlightenment.


  1. False
  2. True
  3. False
  4. False
  5. True
  6. True.


Match the items in column A correctly with those given in column B.Column B
NCERT Solutions for Class 6th Social Science History Chapter 10 Traders, Kings and Pilgrims Matching Skills

(i)—(b), (ii)—(d), (iii)—(a), (iv)—(e), (v)—(c).


1. Where can evidence of trade be found?
Ans: Evidence of trade can be found in the Sangam poems.

2. What was South India famous for? [Imp.]
Ans: It was famous for items like gold and precious stones and spices like pepper. Q. 3. How can you say that Rome had a flourishing trade with south India?Ans. Many Roman gold coins have been found in south India.

4. Name the three ruling families of south India
Ans: The Cholas, Cheras and Pandyas.

5. How did the chiefs use the tribute that they collected from neighbouring areas?
Ans: They kept some of the wealth for their use and distributed the rest amongst their supporters.

6. Who were the supporters of the chiefs?
Ans: Their family members, soldiers and poets.

7. Name the items that the chiefs gave to the poets as a reward.
Ans: Precious stones, gold, horses, elephants, chariots and fine cloth.


1. Who was Gautamiputra Shri Satakami? How do we come to know about him?[Imp.]
Ans: Gautamiputra Shri Satakami was the famous ruler of the Satavahana dynasty. We come to know about him from an inscription composed by his mother. According to this inscription he and other Satavahana rulers were known as lords of the dakshinapatha, which was used as a name for the entire southern region. He sent his army to the eastern, western, and southern coasts

2. How did the knowledge of silk spread far and wide?                                      [V. Imp.]
Ans: China was the first country where silk took its birth. Although the country kept the-methods of making silk a closely guarded secret for a long time, people of other regions ultimately came to know about them.

  • Some people from China went to distant lands on foot, horseback, and camels and with them they carried silk.
  • Sometimes, Chinese rulers sent gifts or silk to rulers in Iran and West Asia. From there the knowledge of silk spread further west.

3. Why was silk so expensive? [Imp.]
Ans: Silk had to be brought from China. It was a long journey and the traders had to cross dangerous roads through mountains and deserts. People living along the route often demanded payments from the traders for giving them permission to pass through.

4. Write a brief note on the Chinese Buddhist pilgrims.
Ans: Fa Xran, Xuan Zang and I-Qing were the famous Chinese Buddhist pilgrims who came to India to visit places associated with the life of the Buddha. They also visited famous monasteries. These pilgrims left an account of their journey. They mentioned the dangers that they had to face on their way to monasteries that they visited. They also mentioned the books that they carried with them. These pilgrims also carried with them the statues of the Buddha.

5. What was the Bhakti system of belief? [V. Imp.]
Ans:  According to the Bhakti system of belief, if a devotee worships the chosen deity with a pure heart, the deity will appear in the form in which he/she may desire. Therefore, the deity could be thought of as a human being, lion, tree or any other form. Once this idea gained acceptance, artists made beautiful images of these deities.



26/10/2021      CLASS- 7     SESSION 2021-22




Very Short Answer Type Questions

1. Why was limestone cement used in the construction of large structures? [V. Imp.]
Answer: Limestone cement was very high-quality cement, which, when mixed with stone chips hardened into concrete. This made the construction of large structures easier and faster.

2. How did the Persian court chronicles describe the Sultan?
Answer: Persian court chronicles described the Sultan as the ‘Shadow of God’.

3. Name the ruler who won universal respect for constructing a large reservoir just – outside Delhi-i kuhna?
Answer: Sultan Iltutmish.

4. What are the special features of Humayun’s tomb?
Answer: (a) It has a central towering dome.
(b)It has a tall gateway (pishtaq).

5. What was maha mandapa?
Answer: It was the main hall in the temple where dances were performed.

6. Name the temple built by king Rajarajadeva.
Answer: Rajarajeshvara temple.

7. When was the tomb of Hanuman built?
Answer: It was built between 1562 and 1571.

8. Who constructed the Kandariya Mahadeva temple?
Answer: King Dhangadeva of the Chandela dynasty constructed the Kandariya Mahadeva temple.

9. Where was Shah Jahan’s capital in the early years of his reign?
Answer: It was at Agra

1o. What is the special feature of Fatehpur Sikri, Akbar’s capital?
Answer: Many of the buildings show the influence of the architectural styles of Gujarat and Malwa.

11. Name the king who invaded Sri Lanka? Whom did he defeat?
Answer: King Shrimara Shrivallabha. He defeated the king, Sena I.

12. What was havellis?
Answer: They were large mansions of the merchants.

13. How did kings win the praise of their subjects? [V. Imp.]
Answer: They won the praise of their subjects by buildings structures meant for a public activity such as temples, mosques, tanks, wells, caravanserais, and bazaars.

Short Answer Type Questions

1. What type of structures were built by kings and their officers between the eighth and the eighteenth centuries? 
Answer: During this period kings and their officers built two kinds of structure
(A)Forts, palaces, garden residences and tombs
(B)Structures meant for public activity including temples, mosques, tanks, wells, caravanserais and bazaars.

2. Write a short note on the Kandariya Mahadeva temple.
Answer: The Kandariya Mahadeva temple dedicated to Shiva was constructed in 999 by the king Dhangadeva of the Chandela dynasty. The temple had an ornamented gateway that led to an entrance. It had the main hall known as maha mandapa where dances were performed. The image of the chief deity was kept in the main Shrine known as garbhagriha. This was the place for ritual worship where only the king and his kith and kin gathered.

3. Throw light on how the construction of the Rqjarqjeshvara temple was a very difficult task.                           [V. Imp.]
Answer: The Raj raj Ishvara temple was built in the early 11th century. It had the tallest shikhara amongst temples of its time. Its construction was a very difficult task. There were no cranes in those days. The 90 tonne stone for the top of the shikhara was too heavy to lift manually. Hence, the architects built an inclined path to the top of the temple, placed the boulder on rollers and rolled it all the way to the top. The path started more than 4 km away so that it would not be too steep. This was dismantled after the temple was built.

4. In what ways do you think the policies of Rajendra I and Mahmud of Ghazni were a product of their time? How were the actions of the two rulers different? [Imp.]
Answer: King Rajendra I looted the temples of the defeated rulers and seized prized statues from them. He these statues in the decoration of the Shiva temple, that he built in his capital in the early 11th century.
Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni was a contemporary of Rajendra I. He destroyed and looted the temples of defeated kings in order to win credit as a great hero of Islam. Thus, King Rajendra, I constructed a temple while Mahmud of Ghazni destroyed it. In this way, their actions were very much different.

5. Write a brief note on the Chahar bagh built by the Mughal rulers.
Answer: The Mughal emperors were very much interested in literature, art, and architecture. Babur, in his autobiography, described his interest in planning and laying out formal gardens, placed within rectangular walled enclosures, and divided into four quarters by artificial channels. These gardens were called Chahar bagh, four gardens, because of their symmetrical division into quarters. Beginning with Akbar, some of the most beautiful Chahar baghs were constructed by Jahangir and Shah Jahan in Kashmir, Agra and Delhi.

6. When was Humayun’s tomb built? What are its special features?
Answer:  Humayun’s tomb was, built between 1562 and 1571. Its main features are:

  • The central towering dome and the tall gateway known as pishtaqbecame important aspects of Mughal architecture. This tomb architecture was first visible in Humayun’s tomb.
  • The tomb was placed in the centre of a huge formal Chahar baghand built in the tradition known as ‘eight paradises’ or hasht bihisht—a central hall surrounded by eight rooms.
  • The building was constructed with red sandstone, edge with white marble.